e-conference: 27-28 July 2023
IPB University Postgraduate School (SPs) Study Program (Prodi) of Natural Resources and Environmental Management Sciences is holding The 3rd International Seminar on Natural Resources and Environmental Management (ISeNREM 2023). The theme for this seminar is Sustainable Development and Environmental Science Toward a New Era. The seminar was held hybrid at the Baranangsiang Campus of IPB, Bogor.
The PSL Study Program organized this international seminar in collaboration with the Center for Environmental Research (PPLH) IPB University, the Directorate of Global Connectivity IPB University and the University Network for Disaster Risk Reduction (UN4DRR), Erasmus. The seminar presented 111 speakers from 7 countries: Croatia, South Korea, England, Japan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Cyprus and Indonesia.
In his remarks, the Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria, said that the theme presented at this international seminar was very important. According to him, the theme reflects the urgent need to overcome various environmental challenges currently being faced together and how to find innovative solutions to harmonize economic growth, social justice and ecological preservation.
“This earth demands our attention and it is our shared responsibility to explore, understand and advocate for sustainable development practices that will safeguard the welfare of present and future generations,” he said.
He added that this international seminar would strengthen collaboration in advancing knowledge in natural resources and environmental management. “Take advantage of this opportunity to network and collaborate to accelerate progress towards a common goal,” he added.
Meanwhile, Prof Widiatmaka, chief executive and chairman of the PSL IPB University Doctoral Study Program, said that The 3rd ISeNREM is one of the quality scientific seminars. He said the seminar papers would be published in the Scopus-indexed Proceedings of the Institute of Physics (IOP).
“It is hoped that this effort can improve the performance of IPB University’s international publications. The 111 papers presented over the past two days were selected from the 180 submitted abstracts to the committee,” he said.
Prof Widiatmaka explained, the four sub-themes raised in this seminar provide broad insights about natural resources and environmental aspects that are very actual. The sub-themes cover (i) environmental management and policy, (ii) environmental dynamics and ecosystem services, (iii) global environmental change and disaster management and (iv) natural resources science.
“We hope that the results of this seminar can contribute to the development of natural resources and the environment as well as sustainable development,” he said.
In The 3rd ISeNREM, key speakers were present including the Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (Dr Bambang Hendroyono), the Director General of Food Crop Agriculture (represented by Dr Happy Suryati), several professors from various domestic and foreign universities including from Institute of Green Bioscience and Technology, Seoul National University, Korea (Prof Ho Sang Kang), University of Leicester, England (Prof Mark William), University of Zagreb, Croatia (Prof Zeljko Bacic), IPB University (Prof Damayanti Buchori) and University of Tokyo, Japan (Prof Yoshino Kunihiko). (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/MFR)